Announcement / June 2019

CLTC Launches Cybersecurity Arts Contest

The Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC) is launching a contest that seeks artistic proposals that engage substantively with cybersecurity in themes, topics, audience, and/or materials.

“The conceptual and practical aspects of the term ‘cybersecurity’ are evolving rapidly, as what we mean by ‘cyber’ and ‘security’ is changing in ways that would have been almost unimaginable a few years ago,” explains the request for submissions. “Contemporary tropes of security’s representation (e.g., the ‘hacker in the hoodie,’ the ‘scrolling green code,’ etc) fail to capture the gravity, impact, and reach of security in daily life. As such, a transformative cybersecurity research program should grapple with security’s representation and discourse in the public sphere.”

The contest is rooted in such questions as: What are new ways of representing the human impacts of security? How might critical alternatives to contemporary tropes reshape the way policymakers, technical practitioners, and the general public make decisions about security? What aspects of information security are missed in discussions of “cyber” security?

“Through this prize,” the request for submissions explains, “CLTC hopes to expand public dialogue around—and awareness of—cybersecurity.”

CLTC seeks proposals for interdisciplinary work produced and shared as single-channel media or web-based work. CLTC encourages the submission of proposals from cross-disciplinary teams. Applicants may propose installations of existing work and commission of new work.

The Center will work with the selected artists to show this work throughout 2020. Venues will depend on submissions, but could include salons, artist talks, and/or installations. Example audiences of interest include participants at the Eyeo Festival, RightsCon, and the Internet Freedom Festival. CLTC will prioritize proposals that have the potential to make a meaningful, longer term impact on the representation of cybersecurity through means including (but not limited to) performances, gallery showings, film, video, photography, fiction, and storytelling.

Prize amounts range from a minimum of $5,000 to a maximum of $25,000.

Proposals are due on July 30, 2019 by midnight, California time.

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