The Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity has established an External Advisory Committee (EAC) composed of leaders from Visa, Aetna, Uber, and other technology firms. The External Advisory Committee will help CLTC improve its research and educational agendas by providing perspectives on cybersecurity challenges from industry and other domains.

“We are honored to have convened this group of world-class advisors,” said Betsy Cooper, Executive Director of CLTC. “We are excited to work with the EAC to strengthen our connections to industry, government, and beyond, to ensure our research agenda and educational programming are relevant for today’s practitioners.”
“I’m pleased and honored to co-chair the CLTC External Advisory Committee because I believe it is a model for how leading universities can collaborate with industry leaders to advance the cybersecurity field,” said Sameer Bhalotra, co-founder and CEO of StackRox. “I look forward to working with other industry leaders to help the CLTC make a strong impact by fostering dialogues, research, advocacy, and educational programs.”
Since its founding in 2015, the UC Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity has established itself as a unique contributor to the global dialogue about cybersecurity, privacy, and other issues. The Center has developed a set of scenarios focused on technology and security in the year 2020; hosted the White House Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity; allocated nearly two million dollars in research grants to Berkeley-affiliated researchers and partners; and, with the UC Berkeley School of Information and College of Engineering, laid the groundwork to launch a new Master of Information and Cybersecurity (MICS) program.

CLTC’s External Advisory Committee will meet at least twice per year, and will help ensure that the Center maintains its focus on important cybersecurity questions facing organizations outside academia. In exchange for their time, EAC members will have opportunities to access the Center’s programming; present seminars and lectures on campus; interact with top-notch Berkeley students, including through recruiting activities; and engage with other key leaders in the industry, including CEOs, CSOs, and former government officials.
“We have a real desire to gain the advice and counsel of these leaders,” says Steven Weber, Faculty Director of the Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity. “Our Center is working to address the security challenge through a broadly scoped, interdisciplinary approach. Having leaders from major organizations as our advisors will be crucial for keeping a finger to the pulse of emerging challenges and issues.”
For more information about the CLTC External Advisory Committee, see https:///