Announcement / November 2015

CLTC Seminar Series: Joanne McNabb, California Dept. of Justice: 12/1, 12pm

Joanne McNabb

Joanne McNabb

Director of Privacy Education and Policy, California Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General

Tuesday, December 1, 2015, 12:00 PM
Room 205, South Hall, UC Berkeley
Light lunch will be served.

As part of the Next-Generation Cybersecurity Seminar Series, the UC Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity is pleased to host a seminar featuring Joanne McNabb, who serves as Director of Privacy Education & Policy in the Privacy Enforcement and Protection Unit in the California Department of Justice.

McNabb is a Certified Information Privacy Professional, with specializations in Government and Information Technology. She serves on the Privacy Advisory Committee to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and is a Fellow of the Ponemon Institute, a research center on privacy, data protection, and information security policy.

Established in 2012, McNabb’s division, the Privacy Enforcement and Protection Unit, protects Californians’ constitutionally guaranteed right to privacy through civil enforcement of state and federal privacy laws, educates consumers and businesses, and makes recommendations to the Attorney General on privacy matters.

Please RSVP below if you plan to attend this event.

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